Designed for patients requiring prolonged suction, the
Closed Suction Catheter can be used with all modes of ventilation. The On/Off valve isolates the suction tip from the rest of the catheter and creates a clean, enclosed chamber for cleaning. The Closed Suction Catheter is a good choice for patients who experience a range of urinary tract obstructions. Its compact design allows for easy portability and is compatible with all modes of ventilation.
The OTST (Open Tracheal Suction Technique) is a commonly used suctioning technique for critical care patients. It consists of a multiple-use sterile suction catheter protected by a clear plastic sleeve, which is connected to the artificial airway using a standard 15-mm connector. The device is designed to remove secretions without disconnecting the patient's ventilatory circuit and thereby prevents alveolar derecruitment. Closed suctioning systems have the added benefit of being easier to use by critical care nurses.
The OTST is suitable for all types of suctioning and is available in different sizes. The OTST is intended for tracheobronchial, oro-suction and nasopharyngeal suction. Its length is determined by the ETT adapter and centimetre markings on the catheter. The extra space of the adapter is approximately one to 1.5 cm.
Designed for all modes of ventilation, the Closed Suction Catheter is compatible with all venting systems. Its On/Off valve isolates the tip of the suction catheter from the surrounding area, creating an enclosed cleaning chamber. A convenient On/Off valve lets the patient choose which mode of ventilation to use during a cleaning procedure. The closed chamber makes it easy to remove accumulated debris, resulting in a safer environment for the patient.
Closed suction catheters are used in tracheobronchial aspiration and oro-suction. They connect to a vacuum source and are designed for single-use. For more information about this type of catheter, see the Additional Resources section below. These single-use suction catheters are made from medical-grade PVC. They feature two eyelets and an open tip.
A closed suction catheter is made from non-toxic medical-grade PVC. Its frosted surface and smooth edges prevent it from harming the mucous membrane in the trachea. It can be placed directly in the throat or through a tracheal tube. Closed suction catheters have three-way connectors and a slide valve for positive pressure. These catheters are designed to remove bodily secretions while maintaining the airway clean.