Preparation before nebulization: moderate temperature and humidity are required. When the aerosol temperature is too low, it is easy to cause tracheal constriction and spasm and aggravate the nebulization stimulation of children. For those with a lot of phlegm, it should be sucked first and then atomized. If there is nasal secretions, the nasal cavity should be rinsed first and then atomized.
Attention when nebulizing: In the choice of body position, due to the low vital capacity and tidal volume in the supine position, irritability and shortness of breath are prone to occur during inhalation, so when infants and young children are inhaled by nebulization, it is appropriate to choose a semi-sitting position or a sitting position. Older children teach them how to breathe deeply and slowly to increase thoracic mobility and improve lung capacity. In terms of atomization time, the appropriate time for each atomization is 5-15 minutes, and the interval time depends on the condition. In the selection of nebulizers, children of different ages can choose different oxygen nebulizers. Generally, older children are more cooperative and can choose a mouthpiece, while for young children, they need to choose a mask.

Since the drug during the nebulization process may cause local irritation, when it is found that the child has frequent coughing, shortness of breath and other symptoms during the nebulization process, the inhalation should be suspended immediately for observation, and after relief, it is assessed whether it is suitable to continue the nebulization treatment. In addition, if the child cries continuously during the atomization, it will also affect the inhalation and affect the treatment effect. It should also be noted that the atomized aerosol should not be aimed at the eyes to avoid irritation to the eyes.
After the atomization, the sputum is diluted, and the external force such as patting the back can make the sputum adhering to the trachea and bronchial wall fall off, which is conducive to the discharge of the sputum. Therefore, after the atomization is completed, parents can pat their children Back, when slapping the back, the five fingers close together into a hollow shape, and rhythmically pat gently from top to bottom and from outside to inside. At the same time, after atomization, pay attention to gargle and wipe the outside of the mouth and nose with water to reduce the side effects of residual drugs .